Services You Need

AGR Police Practice Group counsels and collaborates with organization leadership on risk management strategies, setting the highest performance standards.


Police Expert Witness

Advise, Prepare Reports, Testify

Our team has experience in assisting with your priorities. We have experience in expert opinion consultation, deposition, and trial testimony. We have experience in police shootings, use of force, policies, training, supervision, mental health. Our work is a combination of police and jail litigation.


Organizational Assessments

Policy Model Review & Future Impact

Create sound and robust policies and practicies for police leadership to advance a department’s ability to deliver the highest quality services to the community. Your policies are the cornerstone of an effective police agency. AGR has experience with single – agency police implementation and reviewing National police organization model policies.


High-Risk Investigations

Independent Monitoring. Oversight. Auditing.

Has a crisis, such as a police shooting or police misconduct, resulted in the loss of community trust and placed the agency on the defensive? AGR has broad experience in assisting agencies in complex and sensitive investigations.


Auditing & Inspections

Enhance Accountability, Reduce Liability, Improve Compliance

We have experience in ensuring your police agency is doing what they say they are doing, by providing auditing and inspection services. We have experience in National accreditation standards, rules, and industry standard measurements.

Click or call for further information

(815) 703-7421


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